Deflocculated mixtures

Name of mixture Core component Chemical composition, % Density after firing at 800˚C, g/cm3 Compressive strength, N/mm2 Thermal conductivity at an average temperature of 500˚C, W/m*K Application temperature, ˚C
Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO after drying at 110˚C after firing at 800˚C
Alicast 37/4 fireclay 38 53 2.5 4 2.1 60 80 1.2 1250
Alicast 37/2.5 fireclay 42 51 2.2 2.5 2.15 80 110 1.1 1400
Alkorit 37/1.5 fireclay 43 50 1.5 1.5 2.2 60 70 1.2 1500
Alicast 37/6 fireclay 41 49 1.7 6 2 60 80 0.9 1300
Alicast 50/2.3 fireclay 50 45 1 2.3 2.3 100 120 1.3 1500
Alicast 50/2.3L fireclay 49 45 1.9 2.3 2 50 70 1.1 1500
Alkorit 53/1.5 fireclay 57 39 0.9 1.5 2.2 40 60 1.3 1550
Alkorit 57/1.5 fireclay 59 37 0.8 1.5 2.3 40 70 1.4 1650
Alifest 50/0.6 fireclay 52 44 1.2 0.6 2.35 60 80 1.6 1650
Alkorit 63/1.5 fireclay 64 32 0.7 1.5 2.3 50 80 1.4 1600
Alicast 60/2.3 andalusite 59 37 1 2.3 2.5 80 120 1.7 1500
Alkorit 60/1.5 andalusite 63 34 0.8 1.5 2.6 40 60 1.7 1600
Alicast 65/2.1 mullite 71 23 1 2.1 2.5 80 120 1.7 1550
Alkorit 69/1.5 mullite 70 25 0.9 1.5 2.5 50 80 1.7 1650
Alicast 70-40/1.5 bauxite 65 29 2 1.5 2.5 60 80 1.8 1450
Alicast 70/2.5 bauxite 71 22 2.2 2.5 2.55 90 120 1.9 1500
Alicast 70/2.5HT bauxite 69 25 1.7 2.5 2.5 80 100 1.8 1600
Alicast 80/2.5 bauxite 76 15 1.5 2.5 2.6 100 150 2.1 1550
Alicast 80/2.5AR bauxite 81 13 1 2.3 2.85 130 170 2.1 1450
Alicast 80/2.5NT bauxite 79 16 1 2.2 2.8 120 160 2.2 1650
Alkorit 80/1.0HT bauxite, andalusite 83 13 1 1 2.8 50 70 2.2 1700
Alkorit 80/1.5 bauxite 87 8 1 1.5 2.85 80 120 2.2 1550
Alifest 85/0 bauxite 87 9 1 0.2 2.9 15 40 2.1 1700
Alifest 85/0.6 bauxite 86 9 1 0.6 2.95 70 120 2.3 1700
Alifest 85/1.5 bauxite 85 10 1 1.5 3.0 150 180 2.9 1500
Alit 83 corundum 89 7 0.3 2.5 2.95 120 160 2.8 1400
Alit 83NT corundum 84 11 0.5 2.3 2.9 100 140 2.7 1600
Alkorit 98 corundum 98 0.1 0.1 1.5 3.05 50 60 3 1750
Alifest 98 tabular alumina 98 0.1 0.1 1.5 3.1 80 120 3.1 1750
Alcorit 99 tabular alumina 99 0.1 0.1 0.7 3.1 30 50 3.1 1750
These values may vary depending on the characteristics of the raw materials and are not guaranteed.
ALICAST 37/2.5
ALICAST 37/1.5
ALICAST 50/2.3
ALCORIT 53/1.5
ALCORIT 57/1.5
ALCORIT 63/1,5
Deflocculated concrete based on chamotte of different density and chemical composition. ALIKAST 37/4 is the most economical high-strength deflocculated fireclay concrete with application temperatures up to 1250°C. ALIKAST 37/2.5, ALIKAST 50/2.3 are the most popular low-cement fireclay concretes with a very wide range of applications due to their high strength and fire resistance. ALIKAST 50/2,3 is produced in two versions – basic and lightweight ALIKAST 50/2,3L with reduced density and thermal conductivity. ALIKAST 37/6 is a deflocculated, high cement content concrete with a unique combination of very high abrasion resistance (less than 10 cm3 according to ASTM C704) and low thermal conductivity, making it suitable for single layer abrasion resistant thermal insulation linings.
ALCORIT 37/1,5, ALCORIT 53/1,5, ALCORIT 57/1,5, ALCORIT 63/1,5 are low-cement fireclay concretes with high fire resistance. Their distinguishing features:
ALCORIT 37/1,5 – resistance to alkaline attack due to specially selected composition of fine matrix and dense structure; ALCORIT 57/1,5 – high refractoriness and absence of high-temperature shrinkage; ALCORIT 63/1,5 – very low iron content in fine fractions, which allows to use it for operation in reducing environments.
ALICAST 60/2.3
ALCORIT 60/1.5
Low cement content concretes based on andalusite. They are significantly superior in terms of thermal resistance (ability to resist sharp and frequent temperature changes) to similar concretes on other aggregates. At high temperatures in andalusite concretes, the formation of secondary mullite accompanied by a slight increase in volume occurs, which compensates for the sintering-induced shrinkage and minimizes the formation of cracks. This is particularly characteristic of the low-cement concrete ALCORIT 60/1.5, whose composition has been optimized to facilitate the mullitization process.
ALIKAST 60/2,3 is the most popular material for lining of heating and thermal furnaces of various designs.
ALICAST 65/2,1
ALCORIT 69/1.5
The main component of these concretes is synthetic mullite. Mullite concretes are characterized by low creep at high temperatures, resistant to frequent and sudden temperature changes. ALCORIT 69/1.5 is often used for the manufacture of burner stones for critical applications.
ALICAST 70-40/1.5
ALICAST 70/2.5
ALICAST 80/2.5
ALCORIT 85/1.5
Deflocculated concretes based on bauxite, a natural material containing 75-90% Al2O3. Four types of bauxite with different chemical composition, density and water absorption are used in the manufacture of these mixtures.
They are superior to andalusite and mullite concretes in mechanical strength, density and abrasion resistance, but somewhat inferior to them in thermal resistance, high-temperature stability and thermal insulation properties.
ALIKAST 70-40/1.5 and ALIKAST 70/2.5 are the most economical of all high alumina deflocculated concretes, ALCORIT 80/1.0NT is an ultra-low cement bauxite mix for use at temperatures up to 1700°С.
ALIKAST 80/2,5, ALIKAST 80/2,5NT, ALIKAST 80/2,5AR are very popular low-cement bauxite concretes with a wide range of applications. They are produced in three modifications:
ALIKAST 80/2,5 – basic economical version on ordinary bauxite; ALIKAST 80/2,5NT – concrete on high-density bauxite with increased application temperature;
ALIKAST 80/2,5AR is a concrete on high-purity bauxite with increased density, strength and low iron content.
High-purity corundum concretes. Highly flame retardant, recommended for use in highly corrosive atmospheres, including those with high hydrogen content. Due to its very low CaO content, ALCORIT 99 is recommended for lining furnaces for combustion of chlorine-containing products.
ALIT 83.
ALIT 83 is a corundum mix with very high strength and density. For more than twenty years of production, it has proven itself in various industries, particularly in aluminum scrap processing furnaces. ALIT 83NT is a high temperature version of this concrete.
ALIFEST 50/0.6
ALIFEST 85/0,6
ALIFEST 85/1.5
ALIFEST’s cementless, ultra-low-cement and low-cement mixtures have a significantly enlarged grain composition and a very complex and balanced binding matrix. The content of high alumina cement in these concretes usually does not exceed 2%. The structure of these concretes is extremely dense and low-porous, and their thermomechanical properties, including at high temperatures, are very high.

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