Magnesia-alumina Spinel Brick



Magnesia iron spinel brick is a remarkable product designed for the “chrome-free” firing zone of cement kilns. It offers outstanding kiln skin adhesion, thermal shock stability, resistance to cement clinker erosion, and a low thermal expansion rate. Its application in the cement kiln firing zone yields excellent results.

Key Features of Magnesium Iron Spinel Refractory Brick:

  1. High compressive strength.
  2. Good thermal shock stability.
  3. Flexibility.
  4. High softening temperature under load.
  5. Easily adheres kiln skin.

Application Sites for Refractory Magnesium Iron Spinel Brick: Our Magnesium iron spinel refractory brick is suitable for various cement rotary kiln zones, including the firing zone, transition zone, and cooling zone. Choosing high-quality refractory materials, securing the kiln skin, and using appropriate fuels to slow down chemical erosion are pivotal factors in extending the rotary kiln’s service life. Our magnesia-iron spinel brick stands as your optimal choice for achieving these objectives.


Technique Data
Item Index
Magnesia iron Spinel Brick High toughness Magnesium Iron Spinel brick
MgO  % ≥85 ≥88
Fe2O3  % 5~7.5 5~6
Al2O3  % 3~5 4~7
Bulk density  g/cm3 ≥3 ≥2.9
Apparent porosity  % ≤17 ≤16
Cold Crushing Strength  MPa ≥45 ≥55
Thermal shock resistance cycle 1100℃water cooling ≥6 ≥8
0.2MPa Refractoriness under load ℃ ≥1600 ≥1650
Thermal expansion rate  %  1400℃ ≤1.6 ≤1.7
Thermal conductivity W/(m·K)  350±25℃ ≤2.6 ≤2.6